Monday, March 12, 2007

Works Cited


I think this book is a very good book that is easy to read and understand. I would suggest this book if you had to do a book report on a book. I think this whole series made reading fun for me and I can't wait for the next book to come out and the next movie.

Major Conflicts

Good vs. Evil- The main conflict in this series is good vs. evil. Every since Harry was attacked by Voldemort, he has been trying to kill him. In this book, Snape and the other Death Eaters are the evil and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore are the good ones. Ever since Voldemort came back, they have been fighting against each other.

Love vs. Death- Another one is Love Vs. Death. Voldemort is using methods to avoid death by trying to get a hold of the sorcerer's stoneand by spliting up his soul by using Horcruxes. What Voldemort don't realize is that love saves Harry from death that night he tried to kill him. Voldemort is actually a connotation of death.


Friendship- Throughout this book, Harry has had to rely on his two best friends. Ron and Hermione. They have helped him through many battles against Lord Voldemort. They were there when he needed help. Ron and Hermione are not the only friends who help him, Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts, helps him out a lot. Dumbledore is a another friend that helps him in battles and saves his life a couple of times.

Merope's Locket- This locket is a symbol of Lord Voldemort and his relationship with his mother. This locket is the only connection that Voldemort had with his mother. When his mother was pregnant with him, she had to sell this to buy food and shelter. When he got older and started working for Borgin and Burkes, he found that the locket was owned by Hepzibah Smith. He went to her to get the locket back and he killed her. He turned this locket into a Horcrux that is the special one.

The Half-Blood Prince's Potions Book- This book was given to him by Professor Slughorn because he didn't buy any books for this class because he didn't think he would be able to continue potions class. This book helps Harry to pass potions class by readind the notes left in the margin. He believes that the book belonged to his father. This is symbolic of how badly he wishes his parents were alive. He figures out that it is not him, but it is Snape because Snape's mother is Eileen Prince.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Plot Summary

The former Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, was replaced by Rufus Scimgeour. Snape agrees to the promise of Narcissa that he will keep an eye out on Draco Malfoy, so that he can kill Dumbledore instead of Malfoy.

Dumbledore comes and gets Harry from Uncle Vernon's house and brings him to the burrow. Harry and Dumbledore go to Horace Slughorn's house to ask him to teach at Hogwarts this year. Dumbledore will be giving Harry private lessons and he requests that he keep his invisibility cloak with him at all times. Harry, Ron, and Hermione recieve their O.W.L. scores from last year. He passes seven owls, but is not going to become an auror because of his potions grade.

Harry becomes the Quidditch Captain this year. Harry And his friends eavesdrop on Draco to find out what he is up to. They get invited to a party held by Professor Slughorn. Slughorn has gathered a group of influential students to get a relationship with them. Malfoy paralyzes Harry and leaves him frozen under his invisibility cloak. Tonks helps Harry to the castle while Dumbledore introduces Slughorn as the new potions teacher. Snape finally got his teaching job as The Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. Slughorn has lower requirements than Snape so he can still become an Auror. He is given a used book that was owned by The Half-Blood Prince, who is very good at making potions.

Dumbledore shows Harry a memory from Bob Ogden when he went to investigate the use of magic on a Muggle. Dumbledore tells him that Gaunt is Voldemort's grandfather and Merope is his mother who married Tom, a Muggle, in which she got pregnant with Voldemort. Hagrid is mad at them for not taking his class but he soon forgives them. Harry catches Mundungus for stealing Sirius's stuff and is going to hex him, but Tonks stops him. Katie is cursed because she accidently opens the pakage that someone gave to her. They enter Dumbledore memory when he goes to the orphanage to offer Tom Riddle a place at his school.

Harry establishes that he has feeling for Ginny Weasley. Harry pretends to have spiked Rons pumkin juice to get him convinced about the game. Ron finally kisses a girl but Hermione gets jealous. Harry goes to the Burrow for Christmas with the Weasleys. Harry asks Lupin he his Dad was the Half-Blood Prince but he said no. Dumbledore and Harry go into a memory about when Tom goes and kills the last decendents of the Riddle family and puts a false memory into Morfin's head. Ron accidently eats one of the chocolate cauldron that Romilda Vane put a love potion in. They go to Slughorn who makes an antidote and gives him a bottle of oak-matured mead to drink but he gets sick. Harry gets Kreacher to follow Malfoy for him. Harry finds out that the locket that Merope sold to Borgin was stolen by Voldemort. Harry gets the vile of memory from Slughorn and it explains what Horcruxes is.

Harry and Dumbledore go off to destroy a Horcruxes. They get the locket from the cup and return to Hogwarts. Death Eaters get in the school and Draco is on a mission to kill Dumbledore, but he can not. Snape comes and kills him instead. Snape fulfills his promise to Draco's mother. Harry chases after Snape and Draco to stop and kill them. Snape tells Harry that he is the Half-Blood Prince and runs off with Malfoy.
Dumbledore's burial is to be held on the school grounds and that anybody could come. Harry tells Ron and Hermione that he will not be returning to Hogwarts but search for the other Horcruxes.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Major Characters

Harry Potter- He is at Hogwarts for his 6th year of studies. He is faced with a prophecy that states that he and Voldemort will one day face each other and battle, as neither can live while the other does. Harry is extremely loyal to his school, his friends, and the headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

Severous Snape- He is a reformed Death Eater who teaches at school. Even though Dumbledore trusts him, Harry and them depises him and thinks he is still a Death Eater. Dumbledore freezes Harry so that he couldn't stop Snape. He kills Dumbledore because of his Promise to Narcissa Malfoy. Harry chases him to kill him but he does not let him.

Horace Slughorn- He is the new Potions teacher at Hogwarts. His intentions are good, however, he only cares about himself. His greed works out for the best in this book because Malfoy sent some poisoned meat to Dumbledore, but took it for himself. He creates a club called The Slug Club. He usually invites the people who are talented and useful to him to become members. He was the first to tell Voldemort about Horcruxes.

Albus Dumbledore- He is a good wizard only commited to white magic, standing firmly against the Dark Arts. He is self-sacrificing and ready to give his life to preserve the happiness of others. Unlike most members of the Wizard community, Dumbledore will freely speak Lord Voldemort's name.

Author's Information

Joanne Rowling was born in Yate, South Gloucestershire, England on 31 July 1965,about 11,000 feet northeast of Bristol. Her sister Dianne (Di) was born at their home when Rowling was 23 months old. The family moved to the nearby village Winterbourne when Rowling was four where she attended St Michael's Primary School, later moving to Tutshill, near Chepstow, South Wales at the age of nine. She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College. Rowling was good with languages, but did not excel at sports and mathematics. There are numerous Welsh references to places, things and people in Harry Potter, which could be attributed to her time in Chepstow.
In December 1990, Rowling’s mother succumbed to a 10-year-long battle with multiple sclerosis. After studying French and Classics at the University of Exeter
she moved to London to work as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International. During this period, she had the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry while she was on a four-hour delayed-train trip between Manchester and London. When she had reached her Clapham Junction flat, she began writing immediately.
Rowling then moved to Porto, Portugal to teach English as a foreign language. While there, she married Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes on 16 October 1992. They had one child, Jessica, who was named after Rowling’s heroine, Jessica Mitford. They divorced in 1993 after a fight in which Jorge threw her out of the house.
In December 1994, Rowling and her daughter moved to be near Rowling’s sister in Edinburgh, Scotland. Unemployed and living on state benefits , she completed her first novel. She did much of the work in the Elephant House cafĂ© whenever she could get Jessica to fall asleep.